Monday, January 2, 2012

Barrie Mayor Jeff Lehman's New Year's Message

Mayor's New Year's Message - By Barrie Mayor Jeff Lehman

The closing days of the year always bring the opportunity for retrospection, and
for looking ahead to a new year.

The year 2011 was a most unusual one, at home and abroad.
In the spring, we watched democratic revolutions spread through the Middle East, and unprecedented economic turmoil in Europe.

At home, federal and provincial elections returned governments to power with new mandates, amid fiscal challenges and economic uncertainty.

We said goodbye to Jack Layton, only months after his historic success, and Attawapiskat reminded Canadians that we have much work still to do at home to ensure basic standards of life in remote communities.

In Barrie, we celebrated many milestones.

Council opened up city hall by creating a wide range of new opportunities for civic engagement, allowing our residents to be part of the decisions that affect their community, from town hall meetings in each ward and on the Internet, to open delegations at council meetings.

Downtown, for the first time in years, construction cranes appeared and storefronts filled in.

Crime has plummeted: the number of crimes in Barrie dropped by 14% compared to 2010.

We welcomed major new employers, such as the TD operations centre, R&M Plastics and PPG. And many of our largest local employers announced expansions, including Napoleon, JebCO, and Munro Concrete.

Yet despite twice as many jobs created in 2011 compared to 2010, job growth in Barrie didn't keep pace with growth in the workforce; and as the global economy continues to stumble toward recovery, employment and economic development will need to be the top priority of all three levels of government for Barrie in 2012.

The other major challenge for all governments is and must continue to be living within their means. In 2011, city council reduced forecast debt by $21 million.
More significantly, in 2011 we again cut spending dramatically, spending about $34 million less in 2011 than in 2010. This is the second consecutive year that the City of Barrie has reduced total spending and this reflects the need for us to live within our means amid economic uncertainty. 

This will be one of the biggest challenges for 2012. We are leaving an era of stimulus spending and major projects for Barrie; these projects have moved us forward as a community and provide valuable services to residents across Barrie.

But the next few years will need to be about smaller projects, finding new partnerships and finding ways to deliver services differently.
To accomplish these changes, we will need new ideas.

One of the most pleasant surprises in this job in 2011 was the number of residents, business leaders and city staff who came forward with new ideas to move our community forward. I would point to our first ever Team Barrie Trade Mission, to Calgary, our new partnership to deliver transit service and the community fundraising support for both the South Branch Library and the Mady Centre for the Performing Arts as successful examples of new ways of doing business in Barrie.

I'm looking forward with real optimism to 2012, for many reasons.
Royal Victoria Hospital will open its long-awaited expansion and cancer care centre, and hiring will begin in earnest.

Laurentian University's commitment to a satellite university campus, if approved by the province, is a major opportunity for Barrie.

Georgian College has opened its stunning new Sadlon Centre for Health and Wellness, and is now offering health care programs and applied science education that will help us diversify our workforce.

In 2012, the Under One Roof project can give a long-needed boost to the charities and services helping our least fortunate.

The opening of the city's new south branch library and the Allandale Waterfront GO Station early in 2012 will bring services closer to home for residents.
And badly needed roadwork on Mapleview Drive will finish, and will begin at Duckworth Street at Highway 400.

As the year winds down, we need to count our blessings: we live in a safe, democratic, tolerant and strong community.

Walk along our stunning lakeshore, and marvel at the mist rising from the lake, and consider the stunning beauty of living in our city by Kempenfelt Bay.
As you travel our busy streets, consider the depth and diversity of human ingenuity that is represented by the businesses in our community, and the buildings that house them.

And take a moment to realize how truly lucky we have been to live in Barrie in 2011, and how lucky we will be to live here in 2012.

On behalf of city council, please accept my sincere best wishes to you and your families for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!

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